Anisa Kamal
Trained in the United Kingdom & based in Harare, Zimbabwe, I provide gentle sleep coaching to help families get the assistance they need.
My Story
Hello and welcome to Lights Out! Before having my son I was overjoyed to be a new mum and I read all the books I could get my hands on when it came to what to expect regarding pregnancy, breastfeeding, sleep. At the end of my information overload, I thought to myself 'Okay I've got this!' In addition, having vast experience in the field, an Early Years Educator by profession, & only ever working with children I thought it was something I would easily be able to master. Boy was I wrong. As he grew my well-rested newborn became a difficult sleeper and combined with a reflux diagnosis things took a turn drastically when he was 3 months old and I was unfortunately diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder - Multiple Sclerosis.
Sleep was now more than ever something I needed to get right as my own sleep in regards to MS is a vital fundamental to my everyday wellbeing. I was mentally and physically exhausted and although I knew I couldn't change much in regard to my situation at the time, the one thing I was determined to change was my son's sleep. Although I had been given a book by a friend to help with 'sleep training' children written by a well-known author, I found the strategies and advice to be very strict, rigid, and a cookie-cutter type view without taking into account that each child is different with a range of needs.
So I researched some more, read some more books, and found there were gentler more holistic options to the dreaded 'cry it out.' After journaling my son's sleep habits and tweaking things to best suit his personal needs, with some hard work and perseverance, we finally reached a milestone when my son slept through at 10 months old! This was a huge breakthrough for me as I was still struggling with my health at the time. Friends and family would always suggest I consider training as a sleep consultant and helping others who were also struggling but I would laugh it off up until 2018 when I actually began to give the idea some thought.
I finally took the step, travelled to England for training, wrote my exams, and here I am! Gaining even more knowledge than I had when helping my own son, I am so excited to be able to help families like yours. If you are going through a tough time I am here to help and you will be supported every step of the way. Whilst I cannot give you an exact timeframe as to when your child will sleep through as every child is different when it comes to this, I can help to make it more manageable than it is currently. Let's work together and start making things better!
My Philosophy
*A Well-Rested Family Is A Happy Family*
Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness and sleep disturbances can often take a toll in all areas of our lives, especially on our ability to be the best that we can be. At Lights Out we believe a well-rested child is a happier child. Children thrive on consistency when it comes to something as important as their sleep which in turn will improve your sleep too. I thoroughly explore your child's sleep issues and help you to get them to sleep better. Every child is different so an approach that may work for one child may not work for another as they each have their own individual temperament and personality.
We do not condone methods of 'cry it out' and try to promote the approach of gentle sleep coaching as children's emotional well being should always be taken into consideration, as well as those of parents. In addition, every parent's decision when it comes to their children, and their sleep is always respected and valued. It is only a problem if you say it is a problem!
If you are struggling with your child and their sleep I would love to help you!
My Credentials
All of my training and qualifications have been completed in person in England (London).
Diploma in Early Years Education -studied & gained qualifications, then taught at 2 different schools in the UK whilst also holding the position of Preschool Manager at 1 of those schools, after which came to Zimbabwe and taught here at the Oriental International Learning Centre (OILC) bringing with me a sound knowledge of the EYFS and safeguarding practices which they then implemented into their own school.
Level 4 OCN accredited Gentle Sleep Training
Level 5 OCN accredited Paediatric Sleep Training for Professionals
London School of Childcare Studies: Loving Boundaries